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JMP Accountants

Preliminary consumption analysis and energy market testing (in order to determine current energy pricing for clients) is entirely cost free and obligation free for potential clients. JMp do this entirely at our cost and at our risk. This means, for any potential clients there is no downside to engaging with us. Once we receive a client’s energy bill and letter of permission (a standard form which permits us to obtain pricing on a client’s behalf), we negotiate with energy retailers and present back to the client an energy offer capable of acceptance:

• If the client accepts this offer, then fees are payable. These fees are always included in the pricing presented to clients; • If the client does not accept the offer, then nothing happens. The offer lapses and no fees are charged.

In effect, this is a cost- and risk-free energy pricing offer. Whilst we do generally procure savings for clients, sometimes the market pricing at that time doesn’t allow for any savings – so we cannot always guarantee 100%.

JMp is not receiving any financial benefits from the introduction, other than clients’ appreciation and loyalty.


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JMp Accountants was established in 1991 as a dynamic and unique accounting practice which provides superior service based on extensive up-to-date knowledge in the fields of taxation / business structure / business advice / superannuation and general accounting matters across all industries and businesses.



Contact Us

JMp Accountants
Suite 2, 22 Horne Street, ELSTERNWICK

Phone: 1300 303 799
Overseas: +61 3 9530 0099
Fax: 03 9530 0066

JMp Accountants
Certified Practising Accountant (CPA)
Chartered Accountant (CA)
A.C.N. 125 864 066

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

© Copyright 2014 JMp Accountants.

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